Saturday, November 7, 2009

Changes at the Baumbach's

It's been awhile since I posted and I'm sorry about that.  It's busy around here with 4 kids!

We had a wonderful Halloween and you can see all the amazing costumes here and Alena'first and great attempt at carving a pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern!

We have so much enjoyed our time hosting Alena and meeting other host families who are having an equally wonderful experience, that I have decided to become a Local Coordinator for CIEE.  So, if you are interested in hosting an exchange student or know anyone who is, I would love to talk to you or them.  The website with more information is or you can leave a message here and I'll contact you directly!  The emotional rewards of welcoming a student into your home and watching them flourish in a new culture is amazing!  We have all enjoyed and grown from our experience and can't wait to do it again!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Family Life is not always perfect....

Well, it had to happen sooner or later....EVERYONE got sick!  That is everyone except Alena!  Somehow, everyone except her got the flu.  But, now she has seen us at our worst!

Then, immediately after recovering from the Baumbach flu pandemic, my dad had open heart surgery.  I left town for 3 days and Ken was on his own with 4 girls ages 7 to 16.  They all survived and the house was even pretty clean when I returned!  My Dad is doing well now and life has returned back to somewhat normal.

Oh, while I was gone, Alena went shopping with a friend to buy a Homecoming Dress.  They don't do homecoming in Germany so she is very excited!  Ken didn't think the dress was very "appropriate" but I think it is beautiful and Alena looks great in it! 

Having a teenager in the house is making Ken think about his own girls growing up and I guess he's not ready for that!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life as it goes....

Our lives this week have been kind of mundane, normal and almost boring.  Kids are all doing great in school and we have settled into a routine.  Early to bed and very early to rise.  Lots of homework, especially Biology...Alena is dreaming about cells.

Alena was able to meet my parents this past weekend and everyone seemed to have a very nice time.  She shared some of chocolate from home....yum!  Her wonderful parents sent over a huge box of chocolates because I guess they thought we were not going to provide any sweets for the poor child....we have enjoyed sampling German chocolate candy and have found it to be quite tasty!

Katie has signed up for Club Volleyball so she can get some intense coaching and practice this year in anticipation of a competitive 7th grade tryout.  Thankfully, this does NOT include much travel...just local tournaments in nearby towns.  Emily will play recreational volleyball again this year and Megan refuses to play any sports until she can play volleyball next year!  The only sports my girls seem interested in are swimming and volleyball!  Guess that's how we roll around here!   With Alena starting swim competitions in a couple of weeks, we should be plenty busy!

Oh, exciting news...we are going to see the UT girls play Volleyball tomorrow night.  They are playing the Italian National Team.  Yep, the same team that played in the Olympics.  Now, how cool is that? Maybe we can get autographs.....

Friday, August 28, 2009

First week of school.....

Well, the first week of school is almost over. We have successfully navigated 4 kids through 3 schools and managed to have a good week despite kids getting lost on campus (very lost), no 2nd period class (finally filled), jamming lockers and very long lunch lines.

The only child really cranky this week was the little one...Megan. She is in 2nd grade and still needs more sleep than the older ones. BUT of course, she doesn't think so. It is SO hard to get her in bed when she needs to be because she is afraid she is missing something fun! She has been a bit whiny and cranky about this whole situation.

I've never been one to attempt to 'make' my kids go to sleep. I realize that is not really possible. When they became good readers (generally age 7-8) we have encouraged them to read at night by a dim lamp until they are ready to go to sleep. This has worked great with K and E (now age 10 and 11). We tell them to go to bed by around 8:30, sometimes 9, and then they read. As long as they are quiet and in bed reading, they will fall asleep when ready and we have some quiet adult time.

They also are required to wake themselves up in the morning via alarm clock. If they can't get up alone, they must be too sleepy and therefore must need to go to bed earlier and we will then be forced to enforce a lights out time. This system has worked great...except for M (age 7). She just wants to stay up! Those youngest kids get away with so much more because Mom and Dad are just tired and I think we don't realize what they are capable of handling because they always seem so young compared to the older ones.

Last thought for today....I am impressed with how well Alena has fit into this system. She is one who also likes to read at night and has done a great job of getting herself up and ready in the morning. No reminders from us, we'll see if that continues next week when she has to be at the pool for swim team by 6:15 a.m.

All in all, a great 1st week. Now, if we could just have a cold front blow in......